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    5 Reasons to Use Porotherm Bricks for Building Construction

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    5 Reasons to Use Porotherm Bricks for Building Construction

    Humankind is building houses and public places for hundreds and thousands of years. But the masonry area has never seen the leap of advancement that it is going through right now. In fact, the construction industry has been on a roll since its remarkable digitalization. Now we have construction supplies and numerous tools available at your disposal. Besides, the technological improvements have drastically turned the tables for contractors, builders, and architecture firms. Not just this, software setups and augmented reality have made it easier for people to get through the prolonged construction quest.

    However, all these facilitations have made home buyers far less concerned about their purchase of building materials. People are drawn to get things done by a ‘known’ provider without even checking the quality of the supplies. Though, there are several types of building materials that don’t need any investigation in terms of quality and usefulness. Porotherm brick type is one of them.

    These are vertically or horizontally perforated clay bricks known for their unwavering heat and cold resistance. Aside from providing unmatched strength to buildings, there are many advantages of using these bricks. We will focus on those benefits of Porotherm bricks in this post:

    Heat Insulation

    When it comes to showcasing thermal resilience, Porotherm bricks never disappoint. They are made with clay at a temperature of 100 degrees Celsius and naturally resists heat impact. Building construction thrives on materials with substantial heat insulation as it affects the temperature in the interiors for many years to come.

    Not only do these bricks protect the outer region of the house from excess heat in summers, but it also maintains the venting system within the building. This is nonetheless an amenity for the air conditioning systems inside the houses. This quality also comes in handy during unfortunate events. If there is a fire spreading through the area, it will give enough time for evacuation leading to minimal damage.

    Eco-friendly Material

    Porotherm bricks are environment-friendly, and this is the most prominent reason why home buyers and contractors across the world prefer this type for building construction. In fact, the preparation process of these bricks includes only natural ingredients such as sawdust, coal ash, and rice husk ash.

    There is no apparent release of toxins in the atmosphere, and these are recyclable. Those who wish to implement the concept of green building can consider these bricks as construction material. These bricks are reasonably priced and certified as 100% eco-friendly by Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment and Indian Green Building Council.

    Sound Resistance

    Porotherm bricks don’t support the transmission of sound establishing the quality of natural acoustic insulation. High-end architecture companies rely on such construction materials that can efficiently withstand the pressure coming from outside. These brick types are specially made for houses and buildings that exhibit extreme strength in all situations.

    Compressive Strength & Longevity

    Porotherm bricks have a high compressive strength despite their lightweight. This quality makes it convenient for construction workers to work productively on-site without being confronted by the hassles of heavy machinery. Also, these bricks have a longevity rate of more than 150 years. Moreover, their recycling adaptability makes them reusable for a considerable amount of time.

    Low Water Consumption

    Bricks are cured during the construction process to retain the moisture and internal strength of the material. Contractors and builders prefer Porotherm bricks over other types because these materials require less water consumption and time while the curing is in progress. In addition to this, these bricks are half as lightweight as regular bricks.

    Conclusion – All these above-mentioned qualities justify the reasons for choosing Porotherm bricks over other varieties. This way, you will be able to save a noteworthy span on building construction along with reduced investment.

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