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    Ultimate Guide to Buying the Best Quality Bricks at Reasonable Costs

    The construction of a building is undoubtedly one of the most time-consuming phenomena in this world. Developing a residential or a commercial setting from scratch is an immensely responsible task. You need to be very careful with your investment and selection of building materials. It is a daunting practice to look for reliable suppliers who can offer a wide variety of construction products at reasonable rates. Whatever you buy at this point of development will affect the lives of many people for years.

    Though finding the right material quality may not be the hardest thing in the world, but it gets extremely tiring for those who don’t know much about it. There are hundreds of traders and suppliers out there willing to make money off your lack of familiarity. You can either make undecisive investments or learn to identify the right type of construction material for your home. Once you get to know about the existing varieties of these materials, you will know where your money should be spent.

    In this post, we are going to drag the focus needle towards the process of buying the best bricks. The following guide will teach you to buy different types of bricks at reasonable rates. Let’s begin:

    Bricks & Basics

    The complete range of bricks goes beyond those ordinary red masonry blocks. Numerous types of fly ash bricks and sun-dried bricks are used in the conclusive making of residential and commercial places. While the regular bricks are chosen for walls, several special types are used for cladding and exposed brickwork. The classification of different brick types depends on their preparation, use, availability, and transportation costs.

    1. Common Varieties & Their Uses

    At first, you will need to know about the variety and uses of specific bricks in masonry works. Other than walls, you will be selecting quality bricks for sufficient flooring in the outer region of your house. Grab a look at the following types to understand better.

    • First-class bricks (19 x 9 x 9 cm) are considered suitable for cladding or exterior brickwork. These bricks have finely sharp edges that can effectively prevent salt deposits after a while.
    • Second-class bricks should be saved only for the walls whether interior or exterior. Since most of them have irregularities in size and shape, the brickwork of second-class bricks requires plastering.
    • Third-class bricks have a slightly yellow-reddish color inflicted by partial burning. So, these should be used only for temporary structures.
    • Fourth class bricks are broken and over burnt blocks that masons use as concrete. There is not much use of these brick types, and that’s why you don’t need to invest much in these bricks.

    2. Quality Assessment of Bricks

    • Properly brunt bricks look uniformly red in color with defined edges. Make sure that there is no dark or light-shaped patch around the bricks.
    • Bricks should be soaked in water for a day to check the presence of efflorescence. If you see any white deposits on them after 24 hours, these are certainly not for you.
    • Bricks are often made with sandy or clayey soil, and they should make a ringing sound when struck together.
    • To make robust walls without using an excess of plaster, it is vital to use only the bricks with uniformly sharp edges.

    3. Ideal Quantity

    The quantity and budget of bricks are two different sides of a coin No matter what you decide for either side, another aspect will be greatly affected by your decision. You can’t always rely on suppliers’ or contractors’ words, especially if you don’t have any experience in this area. At BrickWale, you will get to use a free customized tool to estimate the number of bricks for your next big construction project.

    4. Financial Layout

    Cost estimation is an essential part of home construction, but this shouldn’t come in the way of quality selection. First, you must acknowledge that brick cost is a pivotal part of the overall construction budget. Instead of holding onto your investment, you might want to loosen up a little and buy the right kind of bricks for building. Remember, that any form of financial restriction will affect the structural development of your new place.

    Availability & Transportation

    When you are buying bricks directly from a brick kiln, you should visit the place yourself and check the quality yourself. Although, visiting a remote kiln may not be the best idea to go for. In that case, you can search for a nearby brick kiln or consult with a trustworthy trader. You can also get in touch with a supplier or manufacturer who provides financial relief on the cost of transportation.

    Final Thoughts – Buying bricks for the very first time can be a little overwhelming. Well, the good news is that you can trust the BrickWale platform for making a hassle-free purchase of top-quality bricks for your dream home.

    5 Reasons to Use Porotherm Bricks for Building Construction

    Humankind is building houses and public places for hundreds and thousands of years. But the masonry area has never seen the leap of advancement that it is going through right now. In fact, the construction industry has been on a roll since its remarkable digitalization. Now we have construction supplies and numerous tools available at your disposal. Besides, the technological improvements have drastically turned the tables for contractors, builders, and architecture firms. Not just this, software setups and augmented reality have made it easier for people to get through the prolonged construction quest.

    However, all these facilitations have made home buyers far less concerned about their purchase of building materials. People are drawn to get things done by a ‘known’ provider without even checking the quality of the supplies. Though, there are several types of building materials that don’t need any investigation in terms of quality and usefulness. Porotherm brick type is one of them.

    These are vertically or horizontally perforated clay bricks known for their unwavering heat and cold resistance. Aside from providing unmatched strength to buildings, there are many advantages of using these bricks. We will focus on those benefits of Porotherm bricks in this post:

    Heat Insulation

    When it comes to showcasing thermal resilience, Porotherm bricks never disappoint. They are made with clay at a temperature of 100 degrees Celsius and naturally resists heat impact. Building construction thrives on materials with substantial heat insulation as it affects the temperature in the interiors for many years to come.

    Not only do these bricks protect the outer region of the house from excess heat in summers, but it also maintains the venting system within the building. This is nonetheless an amenity for the air conditioning systems inside the houses. This quality also comes in handy during unfortunate events. If there is a fire spreading through the area, it will give enough time for evacuation leading to minimal damage.

    Eco-friendly Material

    Porotherm bricks are environment-friendly, and this is the most prominent reason why home buyers and contractors across the world prefer this type for building construction. In fact, the preparation process of these bricks includes only natural ingredients such as sawdust, coal ash, and rice husk ash.

    There is no apparent release of toxins in the atmosphere, and these are recyclable. Those who wish to implement the concept of green building can consider these bricks as construction material. These bricks are reasonably priced and certified as 100% eco-friendly by Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment and Indian Green Building Council.

    Sound Resistance

    Porotherm bricks don’t support the transmission of sound establishing the quality of natural acoustic insulation. High-end architecture companies rely on such construction materials that can efficiently withstand the pressure coming from outside. These brick types are specially made for houses and buildings that exhibit extreme strength in all situations.

    Compressive Strength & Longevity

    Porotherm bricks have a high compressive strength despite their lightweight. This quality makes it convenient for construction workers to work productively on-site without being confronted by the hassles of heavy machinery. Also, these bricks have a longevity rate of more than 150 years. Moreover, their recycling adaptability makes them reusable for a considerable amount of time.

    Low Water Consumption

    Bricks are cured during the construction process to retain the moisture and internal strength of the material. Contractors and builders prefer Porotherm bricks over other types because these materials require less water consumption and time while the curing is in progress. In addition to this, these bricks are half as lightweight as regular bricks.

    Conclusion – All these above-mentioned qualities justify the reasons for choosing Porotherm bricks over other varieties. This way, you will be able to save a noteworthy span on building construction along with reduced investment.

    How to Identify the Signs of An Inefficient Brickwork?

    A fine quality brick is the soul of a beautifully built house as it contemplates the stability and structural strength of the place. No matter how expensive materials you have been using in the construction of your residential and commercial buildings, their value will always be evaluated by the quality and durability of bricks. Plenty of brick types available in the market can be chosen as per the discrete needs of the building.

    However, it’s not always about the variety or resilience of the brick that accounts for the robust structure of the walls in buildings. Sometimes, the brickwork can result in unexpected issues that occur shortly after the construction is complete. From circumspective material variety selection to proper execution, everything matters in the construction arena. Even if the material to be used is in a fine condition, brickwork can create problems that often get worse with time.

    The worst part is that most people don’t recognize the signs of bad brickwork and question the quality of bricks used during construction. Although, it’s easy to distinguish whether it’s the fault of the bricks or the brickwork. In this post, you will get to know about certain signs that can help you identify inefficient brickwork before it’s too late:

    Bowing & Discoloration

    Have you recently noticed the sudden darkening or discoloration of bricks in your walls? If so, then you will need to consult a repair service as it is a sign of bowing brickwork. In general, bowing is a gradual process that begins to appear on the bricks of outer walls after coming in contact with moisture.

    Wrong and improper brickwork affects the moisture absorption capacity of bricks which then becomes visible on the corners of the walls. With time, it reaches different parts of the walls increasing the pressure and weakening the structure. Rather than waiting for dislodging of these walls, you must call for professional help right after you notice the dampening of walls in the earlier stage.

    Bulging/Swollen Bricks

    Insufficient brickwork constituted with excessive mortar use can also result in bulging bricks. It usually happens when the excess water amount begins to seep from within and penetrates through the walls. The bricks start to bow inwards or bulge towards the outside of the wall. Both bowing and bulging of bricks are an outcome of the bad positioning of bricks during the construction phase. The solution to this issue is either the brick replacement or complete restructuring.

    Notable Cracks in the Bricks

    Sometimes, the mortar begins to come off the wall bricks causing visible gaps in the wall. But some bricks start to crack due to the insufficient quality of bricks showing notable cracks in them. When left untreated or ignored, it can lead to weakened walls that somehow affect the entire structure of the house. The reason behind this issue may or may not be the quality of bricks selected during the collection. Though, you will need to call a professional repair service to get this brick gap problem fixed asap.

    Whitening of Bricks

    Oftentimes, you may have noticed some kind of white substance precipitated on the brick walls making them look dusty and old. Like other bad brickwork signs, it is also a result of excessive moisture that appears quite different on the brick. While some bricks either bow or bulge, it happens when the moisture goes inside the brick leaving behind a white build-up. This precipitation is caused due to the salts present in mortar.

    Conclusion– Whether it is the quality issue of a selected material or the wrongful construction practices; it is your house that will suffer the problems in the long run. Hence, you should always pay attention to what your contractors and builders are using to build your place.

    Top 8 Common Types of Bricks Used in Residential and Commercial Buildings

    People often walk into a room and begin to appreciate the peripheral aesthetics without paying much attention to its internal structure. Have you ever wondered about the materials used in the construction of the house you live in or the stores you visit in the market? Those robust walls that defy the harshness of the climate and protect your shelter entails the enigma of sustainability created by clay, concrete, and building materials.

    However, brick is the most essential part of construction and so is the selection of brick quality. Most people don’t know that it isn’t just the red rectangular blocks that set the foundation of a setting. From multi-story apartments to individual houses, numerous types of buildings require a discrete variety of bricks. In this post, we are going to line up a list of some common brick varieties that contractors and builders prominently use in India.

    Types of Bricks

    Fly Ash Bricks

    Fly ash brick is popularly called self-cementing brick, given the extensive processes involved in the manufacturing phase. The core material of this common brick type contains class C or class F fly ash. The extreme amount of heat and structural pressuring make fly ash bricks one of the finest varieties deemed suitable for foundations, pillars, and walls. High strength, lower water penetration, and fire insulation are some specialties that establish fly ash bricks as a considerable choice for building construction.

    Burnt Clay Bricks

    Speaking of common brick types, let’s talk about the basic variety of bricks prominently used across the nation. There is nothing more apparent in the masonry domain than burnt clay bricks. These red blocks are added to the columns and walls of the buildings. Burnt clay bricks are divided into 4 different types based on their quality in which the first-class bricks are the top-notch end products. On the flip side, other types encompass moderate quality, poor quality, and improperly shaped bricks.

    Concrete Bricks

    Concrete brick is a rare type as it is prepared with concrete, cement, water, and sand. Most contractors consider building these concrete bricks on the construction site. Interestingly, these bricks can be created in different sizes depending on the requirement of residential and commercial settings. This way, they intend to save the time and money to be invested in bricks coming from remote kilns.

    Calcium Silicate Bricks (Sand Lime)

    As it is clear from the term itself, calcium silicate bricks are prepared using sand and lime leading to a chemical reaction and resulting in a fascinating finish. Due to the unconventional appeal, contractors and architects briefly consider this chemically set brick type for adding an ornamental element in the construction plan.

    Engineering Bricks

    If you are seeking a collectively resilient brick type, then you can always go for engineering bricks. These bricks are commonly preferred by high-end architecture firms for optimal strength, fire resistance, and cold resistance. These bricks are suitable for basements and similar areas where waterproofing and chemical resistance are some major concerns.

    Fire Bricks

    Fire bricks are one of those common brick types that are manufactured to sustain the lasting quality of residential and commercial facilities. The making process of fire/refractory bricks also involves a comprehensive earthing process. That’s the phase where these bricks come out to be the strongest against the immense heat and pressure they might be facing ahead.

    Eco-friendly Porotherm Bricks

    Porotherm brick is an eco-friendly choice for those who are willing to implement the green building concept in their construction process. Porotherm bricks are seen as a vital part of modern masonry due to their unmatched strength and impeccable thermal resistance.

    Jhama Bricks

    Jhama bricks look exactly like regular bricks, but their manufacturing process is slightly longer than traditional ones. These bricks are kept in the heat for a prolonged span leading to a distorted shape that adds up to the boosted absorption capacity. The quality of Jhama bricks is just as good as first-class burnt bricks.

    Final Thoughts – These are some common types of bricks used in various residential and commercial constructions. Each kind is prepared using specific methods adding up to certain requirements of masonry construction. The best part is that most of these varieties are available on BrickWale at reasonable pricing. You can check out our broad collection of top-quality bricks here.