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    How to Identify the Signs of An Inefficient Brickwork?

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    How to Identify the Signs of An Inefficient Brickwork?

    How to Identify the Signs of An Inefficient Brickwork?

    A fine quality brick is the soul of a beautifully built house as it contemplates the stability and structural strength of the place. No matter how expensive materials you have been using in the construction of your residential and commercial buildings, their value will always be evaluated by the quality and durability of bricks. Plenty of brick types available in the market can be chosen as per the discrete needs of the building.

    However, it’s not always about the variety or resilience of the brick that accounts for the robust structure of the walls in buildings. Sometimes, the brickwork can result in unexpected issues that occur shortly after the construction is complete. From circumspective material variety selection to proper execution, everything matters in the construction arena. Even if the material to be used is in a fine condition, brickwork can create problems that often get worse with time.

    The worst part is that most people don’t recognize the signs of bad brickwork and question the quality of bricks used during construction. Although, it’s easy to distinguish whether it’s the fault of the bricks or the brickwork. In this post, you will get to know about certain signs that can help you identify inefficient brickwork before it’s too late:

    Bowing & Discoloration

    Have you recently noticed the sudden darkening or discoloration of bricks in your walls? If so, then you will need to consult a repair service as it is a sign of bowing brickwork. In general, bowing is a gradual process that begins to appear on the bricks of outer walls after coming in contact with moisture.

    Wrong and improper brickwork affects the moisture absorption capacity of bricks which then becomes visible on the corners of the walls. With time, it reaches different parts of the walls increasing the pressure and weakening the structure. Rather than waiting for dislodging of these walls, you must call for professional help right after you notice the dampening of walls in the earlier stage.

    Bulging/Swollen Bricks

    Insufficient brickwork constituted with excessive mortar use can also result in bulging bricks. It usually happens when the excess water amount begins to seep from within and penetrates through the walls. The bricks start to bow inwards or bulge towards the outside of the wall. Both bowing and bulging of bricks are an outcome of the bad positioning of bricks during the construction phase. The solution to this issue is either the brick replacement or complete restructuring.

    Notable Cracks in the Bricks

    Sometimes, the mortar begins to come off the wall bricks causing visible gaps in the wall. But some bricks start to crack due to the insufficient quality of bricks showing notable cracks in them. When left untreated or ignored, it can lead to weakened walls that somehow affect the entire structure of the house. The reason behind this issue may or may not be the quality of bricks selected during the collection. Though, you will need to call a professional repair service to get this brick gap problem fixed asap.

    Whitening of Bricks

    Oftentimes, you may have noticed some kind of white substance precipitated on the brick walls making them look dusty and old. Like other bad brickwork signs, it is also a result of excessive moisture that appears quite different on the brick. While some bricks either bow or bulge, it happens when the moisture goes inside the brick leaving behind a white build-up. This precipitation is caused due to the salts present in mortar.

    Conclusion– Whether it is the quality issue of a selected material or the wrongful construction practices; it is your house that will suffer the problems in the long run. Hence, you should always pay attention to what your contractors and builders are using to build your place.

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